Conventional open flares (left image) often pollute the environment. Due to an insufficient mixing of the gas and the required combustion air, the combustion is not complete.
Enclosed flares or de-gassers mix the off-gas and the air in advance. Sometimes air pre-heating and thorough mixing is needed to achieve a complete combustion.
This equipment can bring a solution for al kinds of problems with odorous gasses or air derived from dryers, cooking stoves, printing shops, wax melting and many other product lines.
We deliver:
- Open flares
- Enclosed flares
- De-gassers
- Premix flares
Sometimes air pre-heating and thorough mixing is needed to achieve a complete combustion.
Our equipment can bring a solution for al kinds of problems with odorous gasses or air extracted from painting, drying processes, cooking stoves, printing shops, wax melting and many other product lines.